Portfolio > Passages Series

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The Passage Series, began in the late nineties. In these paintings, curvilinear shapes and ribbons of color create a matrix that is simultaneously a foreground and a background. Layers of translucent glazes provide a luminosity of color that enriches both the surface and the implied depths of each painting. Viewers can enjoy the surface or look beyond it to discover an optical realm of forms that alternately hide or reveal themselves to the eye and the imagination.

"The interlocking, overlapping loops that fill the canvas's surface create a succession of visual echoes that register a certain cognitive depth, leading one to imagine the artist's thought process."
D. Dominic Lombardi
Independent Curator, Writer

oil on paper
28 x 18
State of Grace
oil and pencil on canvas
48" x 28"
oil on paper
41" x 41"
Dancing Yellow, Diptych
oil and pencil on canvas
48" x 56"